On the shop I'm offering pre.order coupons for both shows with 10% discount on orders placed for over £25.
I always encourage people to,place pre.orders it does stop disappointment as whilst I take the full range it's only limited stock.
Otherwise I look forward to meeting some of you 😄
Finally new sculpts will be started by Richard in December which with luck may just make their appearance in small numbers at Salute. These will be early French Hussars ( Mounted and dismounted),French artillery crew and either Colonels or the British Horse.
and yes I've been notified that I'm in at Salute great :)
Finally new sculpts will be started by Richard in December which with luck may just make their appearance in small numbers at Salute. These will be early French Hussars ( Mounted and dismounted),French artillery crew and either Colonels or the British Horse.
and yes I've been notified that I'm in at Salute great :)