Firing line

Firing line

Friday 3 November 2017

Salute 2018

Long time no post - apologies for that, still patiently waiting for the next set of sculpts from Andy Stadden.
However the good news is that my booking for Salute 2018 is confirmed, now whilst a lot of debate takes place about the format of Salute to a small trader like me its business critical, a good day usually lets me plan and pay for the next 20-30 figures in the range.
so the planning starts now! cash flow is critical so early planning is essential, in addition I shall be offering the usual pre.order for collection and to make it more attractive over £60 will give a 15% discount over a £120 a 20% so it's certainly worth considering and I hope to have quite a few new releases out in time as well.

On other things the French army continues to grow, Regiment Foix joins the ranks
painted by Steve Allen and based etc by moi.