Firing line

Firing line

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Scheithers Freikorps

Richard has sent photos of the new Greens and mighty good they look.
Apart from the couple of charging French Infantry (more to follow) the rest are from this Hanoverian Freikorps which saw quite a bit of action and are ideal for Charles' forthcoming book or for those wishing to pursue Seven Years war actions using Sharpes Practice etc.

Come the New Year I will start offering units for Sharpes Practice and Musket and Tomahawks.
2020 will definitely focus on the French Indian War but we should still see some useful additions to the European armies 😀

Sunday 10 November 2019

New figures in the shop

I have put Richard Ansells latest figures in the Crann Tara shop for those that are interested.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Sneak peek - Saxon Uhlans

After Andy's tragic loss of his wife it is fair to say that sculpting figures has been the last thing on his mind.

However I received some photos of work in progress

3 of the six saxon uhlans - there is also an officer, musician and trooper with sabre.

I have also seen the model of Prince Xavier which looks really good so hopefully more Saxons before christmas

Friday 1 November 2019

Saxon Cuirassiers

These are some of my favourite figures sculpted by Andy Stadden.
Steve Allen painted the riders and I did horses, bases etc. He's on with the next two squadrons at the moment for me.

I can't understand why I left it so long to get them done!

Hopefully new metal masters arrive from Griffin next week.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

New Greens

Richard Ansell has really been pulling the stops out for me. He's just sent me the photos of the new Greens.
French Marines for the FIW launches the official start of the new range.
French and British NCO's
Charging British Infantry command.
And a special request for a vignette of charging British General and trumpeter - I'm sure the galloping Aide will go nice with this as well.

Sunday 1 September 2019

Short update.New figures,business move and new project!

First just a short update to say that the Maroons, Clermont Prince etc are now all in the shop.

I have also taken the decision to rent a small office / studio for the business - this will allow me a little more space to prepare stock, work on conversions etc. Hopefully it will mean I can be a little more productive - fewer distractions 🤣
Another good thing for me is that the building has a reception etc so no longer do I have to wait in all day for stock deliveries etc and finally whilst I don't expect to be inundated it does also mean I can accept visitors by appointment - website will be updated once I'm moved in and settled so exciting times.
I shall also be making announcements re. The 40mm range shortly.
I'm also looking at offering a print on demand service in a number of scales for the Prussians and Austrians  I need to work out prices etc and the turn around times but it may be something some people wish to try.
All in all an exciting last quarter to the year is promised.

The sneak peeks are firstly a couple of conversions I've done which are off to Griffin - I love the Mounted figure 🤣 The second is an almost completed Saxon Uhlan Officer - phase two isn't far away

Monday 15 July 2019

New Sculpts from Richard

Another cornucopia of figures from Richard who sent me the pics.
There's a few small tweaks to be made but I should have the greens shortly.

There's Maroons, Clairmont Prince foot and horse and a new ADC.

Thursday 11 July 2019

40mm Prussians

Many of you will already know that Graham Hilditch has been helping me with the 40mm project in getting the new Prussians and soon the Austrians into a position where I can release them commercially.

Well of course he couldn't help but make himself up a regiment

After much sweat and toil he has managed to complete IR1 Winterfeldt.
7 bases of 6 musketeers, 2 bases of 6 grenadiers, 2 officers, 2 NCO,s and a mounted colonel, converted from the foot Officer.
 Flags by flag-maestro Mark Allan.