Firing line

Firing line

Tuesday 24 March 2020

A big thank you and an important update

First can I say a huge thankyou to customers who have placed orders over the last two weeks ( particularly overseas customers who were in the majority) for a small business where cash flow is everything it means a lot.

I have cleared the majority of the orders and have a few left to complete,  unfortunately a number of codes are now out of stock and Griffin moulds have just informed me that they are closing from today ! So until this pandemic clears there will be no replacement stock.

By the weekend I shall go through the outstanding orders and those I can't complete I will offer partial or full refunds or if you're happy to wait they will be held over.
People are still welcome to place orders but can I ask that you contact me first via e.mail to check on stock etc.

I will be putting out a newsletter as well in case some customers don't pick up off Facebook or the blog.

Keep safe and get painting.

Friday 6 March 2020

Salute 2020 & Covid 19

I have had a couple of customers contact me re. Salute and that if the show is cancelled what will happen to pre.orders.?

At this moment in time Salute 2020 is still happening as are other major events at the Excel
Should the worst happen then I will post out all pre.orders to customers with free postage
For a small business like mine I can't stress how important a show like Salute is - apart from the publicity the show itself usually guarantees the next two to three sets of new releases ( each set being around 16 new figures) so you can see it's fairly business critical.

As usual there is a show pre.order discount of 15% for all orders over £60 (excluding unit packs) just enter Salute2020 at checkout or just e.mail me if you wish to discuss further just e.mail me

On a brighter note here's a couple of pictures of Irish Piquets/Royal Ecossais painted by one of my customers (Winterfeldt) and some of the dismounted French Dragoons painted by Steve Allen.