Firing line

Firing line

Thursday 22 January 2015

Firing Line.

Since I've finished painting the first Government Brigade for my Culloden army thought I would post it here.
All my Crann Tara figures - Standards with the exception of the Royal Scots are by Flags of War.

Only 13 more units to go!!!


  1. They look fantastic! Will you be selling the flags in the cranntara store?


    1. Rob,
      I have the AWI flags - some of which are suitable and they're the ones I use. I haven't listed them yet!
      Iain is working on some Colonel's colours but no dates on these.
      If you know what you want just pm me

  2. Looking really good!
    Are you still going to do British Cavalry in mitres?

    1. Oh yes, if my memory serves me right the trooper is in the current batch of sculpts being done!

  3. Great pics and great minis!

  4. They look amazing!

    Best Regards,


  5. Graham,

    Could I ask you a couple of things? Would it be possible for you put up some close ups of the highlanders you are currently painting. I would v much like to copy the green tartan you are doing.

    Next, can I ask what figure you use as the standard bearer for your lowland units or do you convert one?

    Finally I appreciate you have a very full future release programme (and I promise to buy them all!) but do you intend in the future to add to the jacobite foot range? I only ask as I will shortly start sticking them down on bases and if there were future releases I will wait. For example possibly figures loading their muskets and perhaps a selection falling wounded and dead (like the Perry sets).


    1. Guy,
      if you e.mail me at I will send you some pics and a brief description of the pattern. Lowland standard bearers I either convert or use a French marching figure and a French Officer - quite a few spare Officers floating around as were French style coats etc. adds a bit of class to the unit:)
      As to future Jacobite infantry sets - I would like to get a few more done in trews etc but as with the casualties it is unlikely they will appear until the rest of the range is complete, which most probably means next year!. The casualties will most probably come but not until everything else is done - the rationale is that it costs me just as much to get a casualty sculpted as another figure - so you are most probably looking at next year before they appear -
      Sorry I can't be more help - don't hold off basing I've started doing all mine -:)
