Firing line

Firing line

Monday 22 May 2017

Crann Tara at Partizan

For a change rather than take the trade stand I chose to put on a demo game under the Crann Tara banner, in reality I've been doing demo games at Partizan since Newark Irregulars started holding wargame shows!!!

Anyway the day was filled with lots of jaw, jaw and not enough war war but you really need around 5 people to run a successful demo game and engage with the public at the same time, it most probably saved the French army from an embarrassing defeat. We were using Honours of War rules as they were the common denominator between us, however the French C in C threw three 1's in succession for his right flank commanders and ended up with 3 dithering commanders who for the first half the game only reluctantly crept forward at a very slow and uncoordinated pace.

So a big thankyou to all those who stopped for a chat, friends and strangers alike and for all the positive comments received  and to those people who still haven't seen or heard of the range of figures - its a hard life being a figure producer against the big boys :)

and now the pictures


  1. I think you spoke to Katherine more than me but your game was excellent and so was the show. See you in Kenilworth in a few weeks time.

  2. Colin,
    Always good to see you, however I'm always partial to the company of a good looking woman especially when we can spy on you buying your wargames stash of grubby miniatures ��

  3. That is a gorgeous game, Graham! I'm sure it planted some seeds for future CT sales. One day I'll see these in action...


  4. What a wonderful post Graham. The superb table and terrain truly accentuates the beautiful range of figures you sell and they are so wonderfully painted an based. Every review of Partizan I have read gives your game a very big Thumbs Up! Very well don eindeed mate.

    1. Carlo,
      many thanks indeed I would say that Partizan is THE show to go to
