Firing line

Firing line

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Anyone for 40mm Prussians?

for this evening that have been following my playing with a resin printer and 3d Sculpts then you will have picked up at me looking at releasing the Prussians and Austrians in 40mm as well as 28mm.
The 40mm project continues to take another leap forward.
GrahamH has cast the command, fusiliers and Grenadiers and is sending me some metal masters to examine.

If all ok then I need to decide about putting them into production.?  Austrians are under way.
In the meantime some pics of the Grenadiers Graham has painted.
You can check out more at Graham's blog


  1. Lovely figures Graham. They deserve to see the light of day.

  2. I just wanted to echo Stuart's comment above; they are lovely. Hoping for a 18mm version down the line (but one thing at a time, eh?).
