Firing line

Firing line

Thursday 4 August 2016

New figures in stock and available

The new releases for the Jacobite Rebellion are now available ( Marines are on pre.order) to order from the shop.
The Ligonier figure was a commission and is only available in a limited quantity.
Sculpted by Richard Ansell I think these are some of his best to date.

Also appearing in ther shop over the next few days will be the Savoia grenadier marching and the 'generic' 18th century musketeer ( I'm using him for Dutch) sculpted by John Dougan.
All of these will be available at the Partizan show on the 21st August ( with the exception of the Marine)


  1. Graham, Sent an order in with text to add a Ligonier. Is that how I should have done it?

    1. Mark,
      That's fine - Ligonier will appear clearing the reserved figures first

  2. I am not seeing these on the store, hoping to make an order soon

    1. Most of these are in store? Ligonier, and the two marching figures will appear this weekend. Which ones couldn't you find??

    2. I legitimately cannot see any of them.

      It is possible that a lack of pictures on a few items, and my general unfamiliarity with what any of the models in question represent (I am interested in them outside of a historical context) is responsible, but I cannot see any of the pictures shown here anywhere on the store.

    3. I will be putting photos on this weekend. All the figures are under 45 rebellion. Personalities, Jacobites or Government infantry. If you still have problems just email me direct with what you would like

    4. Ok, I'll wait till the pictures and ligonier are up

    5. All done with the exception of the two marching figures.
