Firing line

Firing line

Friday 30 September 2016

Scots Greys and what's next

For those that follow my Scotia Albion blog you will know I had to prepare a full regiment of  Scots Grey's for the Battle of Rocoux last weekend.
Here they are in their glory.

The good news is that I did two conversions for the standard bearer, one got painted for the regiment the other chap will be going to Griffin for production.

So whilst on the whats coming - in terms of conversions there's a British Fusilier at ready with fusilier cap, three british infantry manning gun ( for the battalion guns). The Savoia Grenadier marching and the generic 18th century line marching will also make a delayed appearance. with luck I'm also converting some figures for Highland cavalry - hope they work!

Richard should be available for my next set around November - these will be French artillery, early French Hussars mounted and dismounted and some other pieces I haven't determined.

This means the Saxons should be coming around May/June next year and I'm planning something special for this -no not kickstarter.


  1. Wonderful regiment, Graham! Absolutely stunning.

    Best Regards,


  2. Stokes,
    Many thanks for the comments

  3. These look wonderful Graham and a famous regiment depicted in a period that is often forgotten. Mention Scots Greys and the Lady Butler painting of the charge at Waterloo immediately comes to mind. Your regiment is a magnificent looking wargames unit mate - well done!

    1. Carlo,
      Thanks very much, I think they look a little better than their 1815 counterparts :)

  4. Great looking regiment Graham. When will the Guidon bearer be ready...that's all I'm waiting for to put an order in. All the best, Simon

    1. Simon,
      The figure is actually made, just waiting to finish enough figures to go in a mold. Just past half way so maybe four to six weeks to get them off to Griffin

  5. Thanks Graham, I can see a Christmas present in the making.

  6. Wonderful, I plan on getting these (I plan to paint the Scots greys 3 times in the coming year)
    These for SYW, then some for Spanish succession and finally those over used ones in at Waterloo. I just need to find a way to paint grey horses that I'm satisfied with.
